Hi, I’m Amy. I am a late diagnosed autistic, ADHD, PDAer and also dyspraxic, dyslexic, and gender non-conforming. Although I learned most of those things later in my life I have been on a lifelong journey to discovering my True Self, while exploring what it means to exist and thrive in a world that often hasn’t  met or understood my access needs. Some of the notable supports for me on this journey including receiving a BS in Social Work, a Master’s in Transpersonal Psychology, my spouse of 20+years, my animals companions (2 cats and 2 dogs), nearly three decades contemplating the intersection of being simply human and deeply connected to the nature of all things. I have a lifetime of experience active listening, holding space for other’s, emotional attunement, and feeling passionate about creating spaces/environments of inclusion and connection.

In 2018, when an autistic friend encouraged me to look into the possibility of my own neurodivergence, what I discovered was a road map to finally begin to understand myself and my unique experiences of being human. With the help of a skilled therapist, ongoing introspection, and the doctors & community at All Brains Belong, I began uncover the joy of being alive. Currently, I am facilitating support groups and I look forward to creating more curious and creative space for individuals, groups, and families. 

Some of my special interests are understanding the interplay of interpersonal dynamics, neurodiversity, crafting, travel, and All Brains Belong.

Amy Noyes (she/they)

The Journey

By Mary Oliver

One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice though the whole house began to tremble and you felt the old tug at your ankles. “Mend my life!” each voice cried. But you didn’t stop. You knew what you had to do, though the wind pried with its stiff fingers at the very foundations, though their melancholy was terrible. It was already late enough, and a wild night, and the road full of fallen branches and stones. But little by little, as you left their voices behind, the stars began to burn through the sheets of clouds, and there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as your own that kept you company as your strode deeper and deeper into the world determined to do the only thing you could do— determined to save the only life you could save. +